IOBAC adhesive-free flooring installation has been recognised by the ECESP for its role in facilitating material reuse and take-back schemes.

The  (ECESP) is a joint initiative by the European Commission and the European Economic and Social Committee to foster circular economy.

The platform is a virtual open space whose aim is to promote the transition to a circular economy by facilitating policy dialogue among stakeholders, by disseminating, good practices, strategies and voluntary commitments, and by providing information on the circular economy and related activities.

Its very useful Good Practice section includes relevant practices, innovative processes and ‘learning from experience’ examples of improving circularity.

We are delighted that IOBAC Adhesive-free Flooring Installation has been recognised as a Circular Economy Good Practice for its role in facilitating flooring re-use and flooring manufacturer take-back schemes. 


Check out the entry here.


European Circular Economy Stakeholder Platform IOBAC Adhesive-free Flooring Installation